Eva Kindaichi-Lazaar Placed in isolation due to HAI, twice!

Your Name: Eva Kindaichi-Lazaar

Patient’s Name/Relationship: Eva Kindaichi-Lazaar

City/State: Bronx

When did event occur (what year)? 2016

Where did event occur? Acute Care General Hospital

What type of medical harm did you experience or witness? Healthcare-Acquired Infection

Please describe what happened. Urinary tract infection and I was quarantined due to an infection for which I received a high dose of antibiotic. This delayed my recovery and evaluations. I had a heart operation – October 2016 for removal of a tumor on the mytrial valve. Following the heart surgery I developed the infections and was in ICU for a week (+) then still quarantined but transferred to the floor where I was only allowed to be ambulatory in my room, I tried walking outside and was yelled at though there was really no room to exercise in the room.

What was the outcome of the medical harm issue? “Near Miss” – no injury